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Thursday, August 2, 2012

On My Mind

Almost 3 months into getting married, I can honestly say I fall more in love with hubby every day and I really enjoy being married. I was scared before getting married. I constantly thought, “what if it changes our relationship” or “what if he doesn’t love me as much as he thought he did.” Well it has changed our relationship, but for the better. We went from only seeing each other every couple of months (if we were lucky) to seeing each other every single day! It’s great. There’s definitely been some adjusting. We’ve had to learn to take each other into consideration because it’s not just about us individually anymore it’s about us as a team. I feel funny saying it but I honestly miss him when he goes to work. I know I’ll see him at the end of the day but those few hours without him I miss him so much.
Now on to other things, I’ve gained the “newlywed 10-15”. Now this is probably something I’m making up, but my mom named it so I’m going with it. I wanted to lose weight so bad before the wedding and for a while there I was. And then when I found my dress, I had to maintain my weight so it would fit, which I did. I wasn’t absolutely happy with my weight but it was ok. But now 3 months after the wedding I have gained 11 lbs. Needless to say, my self-esteem has crumbled. I am not happy with my weight. Clothes that I fit into with no problem last summer are now too tight. And as I’m writing this I’m feeling pretty low about myself. Hubby and I have been trying to get into a workout routine. I am trying to push myself to go to the gym at least once a day. Also we are trying to eat healthier.. I lost 2 lbs. But I seemed to gain it back. When I go to the gym, I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing. I do at least a mile on the treadmill and some weights, but I feel like I’m not making any progress. I’m hoping that my determination pays off and eventually I start losing weight. I just feel like I’m going nowhere.
As for the job front.well nothings changed. I’ve applied for more jobs and have heard nothing from any of them. Oh wait, another thanks but no thanks. I love hubby so much but I am feeling down about myself. I’m hoping this is only a phase and that it gets better. I need to start making friends.. I’m thinking about going to the animal shelter and volunteering.
This week I’ve been babysitting an adorable 1 yr old. She’s been fairly well behaved and quite entertaining. Today she’s walking around saying UHOH. And the extra money is nice too. But it’s only for this week, while my cousin is out of town. So next week I go back to sitting around the apartment, hoping I get a phone call.
Ok, well I feel this post has been thoroughly depressing. But I really needed to get all that off my chest. I hope my next blog will be more upbeat. I think I’m going to go to Michael’s or Jo-anns and try to find something to keep me busy.
Til the next time :) 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A New Start

On May 19th, I married my best friend and love of my life! It was such a great day and went, for the most part, pretty smooth. After all the planning and preparations that went into it, I can't believe how quickly it went by. It was so great to share our wedding day with so many family and friends. We were able to have a lot of our family there that we haven't seen in a very long time. Almost my cousins were there from my mom's side with a few exceptions who were greatly missed! 

For the most part, everything turned out great. Somethings I wish would have gone a little better but you can't win them all can you? We haven't been able to take a honeymoon yet due to money and time issues. But we're doing things together little by little and next week while hubby is on leave we're going camping, not exactly what I dreamed my honeymoon would be but it's something we're doing together.

On June 1st, we moved into our first apartment together here in Virginia Beach! Although it has it's flaws, it's pretty nice. And even more special because it's our first place together. It's close to pretty much everything and when hubby switches duty stations he'll *hopefully* not have to deal with tooooo much traffic!!! But who am I kidding? This is VA Beach and traffic is a b*#%h no matter where you go! 

Moving away from my family and friends has been difficult and an adjustment to say the least. I have one of my cousins down here, so that helps. But I really miss having my friends and more family. I have been trying to get a job or maybe go to school to meet some people but nothing seems to be working out. So for the most part I sit in our apartment during the day (unless I get up to take hubby to work) and do things around here. I really want to make some new friends down here but I just don't know where to start.

As far as school is concern, I feel like I'm getting nowhere. I applied at 2 colleges which is fine and dandy except I don't forsee being able to afford to go in the fall. I guess I will put it off yet again and see where the next year takes us.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Long Time Gone

I have been a HORRIBLE HORRIBLE blogger lately. Things have been crazy hectic and honestly I don't even know where to begin. We are 39 days away from the wedding and I can honestly say I am excited and ready! Yes, I am nervous but not nearly as nervous as I thought I would be. I have been so stressed these last couple of months that I don't think I've really had time to be nervous.
In February I ended up quitting my job. A lot of factors added into it but mainly stress gave me an ulcer and I couldn't work with the boss I had. Not having a job has been hard, but luckily I have been making a little bit of money babysitting and that is enough until the wedding.
I went down to New Mexico and visited with my cousin and her family! It was an awesome experience. The day I got there my cousin gave birth to her second daughter and I was able to be in the room. I was nervous about it but in all honesty it was an amazing experience to be there when a little person is brought into this world.
I also went to Virginia for a week and Josh and I were able to apply (and get approved) for an apartment! I am so incredibly excited! It's close to the base he's going to be at and also close to the school I'm looking at going too. I can't wait until we are able to move in and start decorating! I am also soooo excited to finally be living with him. Having to constantly say goodbye sucks. I miss him so much and it's nice to know that soon I won't have to say goodbye for at least a little while.
I have been working like crazy on the wedding favors. Sometimes I think I'm crazy for having them be completely homemade but I was finally able to see one completely put together and I love it. Yes, it has been a lot of work but I really hope everyone appreciates it!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Virginia is for Lovers

After a long weekend with the fiance, I've realized a long weekend just isn't enough. Every time I have to leave him or vice versa, it gets harder and harder. I love him with every part of me and I now know that my home is wherever he is. It's hard to go to work here or do anything else because all I really want is to be with him.
However, as short as the weekend was it was also very successful. We completed our required pre-marital class, that was actually wonderful. It was very informational and I think it was a great class for anyone preparing for marriage. We also went apartment hunting. The first couple of apartments were a complete bust (let's just say a 700 sq ft apt that was a 2 bedroom, no thanks). But after a few stressful apartments and my hope of finding a place slowly starting to diminish, we saw a few good ones and a couple great ones that are definitely contenders. I am very excited for us to get our own place. The thought of decorating is very exciting to me. I keep finding things that I would want to use and I cannot wait!
The next major event is I will be traveling to New Mexico to see my cousin and her family. Also, to be there for the birth of her second daughter. I am so excited! I have not seen her in what is probably a little over 10 years and I have not met her husband or her oldest daughter. I really hope this next month goes by quickly!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 = the year I'm getting married

Ok, so I am a few days late. It's been 2012 for almost 11 days and I am just now posting about it. It seems crazy how fast a year goes by. We have been engaged for a little over a year and yesterday was our 2 year anniversary of being together. Josh was here for New Years and it was great! We were able to spend New Years with some friends and before he left we went to The Melting Pot for our anniversary. It was sooooooo good, expensive, but good! I recommend going at least once!
It's crazy to think this time last year I was preparing for him to deploy and just getting started on the planning process. Now, we are about 4 months away and I get to fly down to VA on Thursday for the weekend. We are doing our pre-marriage counseling down there because it was easier for me to come down there (but he ended up having to take leave anyways). We are also going to look at apartments while I'm down there and I'm pretty excited about it. It's really hitting me big time now that in 4 months I am going to be married and living 9 hours away from my parents. It's crazy and definitely going to take some adjusting. I have to say that I am definitely scared, nervous and EXCITED!!