Snag a Button

Thursday, December 22, 2011

GiveForward Thursday.

Once again this week, I am cheating. My cousin Jen's writing is so much nicer then mine and describe it so much better that I thought it would make more sense for you to read what she's written. So please just take a few moments out of your day and read this. And maybe even pass it on :)

From Jen @ The Hansen 4:

"Did you know that brain stem tumors account for 10 percent of pediatric brain tumors? The peak incidence is between the ages of 5 and 10.

Today, I'm going to tell you about a type of brain stem tumor called a Pontine Glioma. Pontine brain stem tumors affect crainial nerves that supply the muscles of the eye and face, and the muscle involved in swallowing. The symptoms include: double vision, the inability to close eyelids completely, the dropping of one side of the face, and difficulty chewing and swallowing. The tumor also affects "long tracks" of the brain, which results in: weakness of the arms or legs, difficulty with speech, or difficulty walking.

The patients symptoms often improve dramatically during or after six weeks of irradiation. Unfortunently, problems recur after 6 to 9 months, and progress rapidly. Survival past 12-14 months is uncommon.

Radiation therapy is the main treatment approach since these types of tumors are inoperable. To improve the outcome of pontine gliomas, researchers are studying drugs that may enhance the effect of radiation therapy.

Now it's time to introduce you to a 4 year old little girl who was diagnosed with a pontine glioma, low grade, on Halloween of this year. Her name is Brynlin Sanders and she has a 4cm inoperable pontine glioma on her brain stem. Brynlin is receiving treatments from the Burzynski Clinic in Houston, TX but is from Wichita, KS. The money that is being donated to Brylin Sanders Medical fund is being used to offset the cost of medical expenses and, since she is being seen in TX, travel expenses.

Recently an update about Brynlin was posted on her fundraising page saying
Brynlin Sanders Medical Fund updates.Dec 17th 2011

December 17th, 2011

It has been so nice to be home the last couple of days! Bryn was ready to be home and she said she didn't want to stay in a hotel, so we were able to drive all the way home without staying overnight somewhere in between. We made it home around midnight on Wednesday.

Bryn has also started her new diet that the nutritionist suggested we put her on. We were able to follow it somewhat while we were in Texas, but now that we are home and not eating out so much we will have to stick to it. This means we will be making a lot of our food from scratch and leaving out a lot of the good stuff! Grandma Sanders brought her some organic oatmeal today. I made it for her and she ate a little bit of it. Later she said she was hungry again, so after she said no to all of my other ideas I asked her if she wanted some more oatmeal. She said, "No I don't like that oatmeal Grandma brought, it doesn't taste." Well at least she's honest! We did however add some cinnamon to it and she decided it wasn't too bad.

Medical Fundaising Made Simple

As you can see, the goal is to raise $50,000 to help offset the many expenses coming this families way in the future, and only 5 percent of the goal has been met. Please visit Brylin's page and donate if you can... remember, even $5 helps. If you can't leave a donation, why not leave a hug?!?! Let the family know your pulling for them. You can also look for more updates of Brynlin by clicking HERE and clicking the updates tab"

Thursday, December 15, 2011

GiveForward Thursdays

GiveForward is a pretty amazing website. My family used it a lot when my cousins daughter Aylianna was diagnosed with Biliary Atresia and when she later had to have a liver transplant. It is a safe and easy to use fundraising website that helps people in any situations raise money.
That being said my cousin Jennifer has decided to start a new "blog tradition" so to speak with GiveForward Thursdays. Each Week she features a new fundraiser that is on GiveForward to help a family the way her family has been helped by so many people. All I ask is to simply take the time to read Jen's blog (linked above) and share this with other people. But just in case you don't click the link above I have simply posted her post below. Please read and realize that any little bit helps. Even if it's just to help get the word out!

Following post courtesy of Jennifer over at The Hansen 4.

"I've decided to start a new weekly posting called GiveForward Thursday. The reason being, I've been where a lot of these people are... needing money to help cover medical expenses and living costs while traveling to different hospitals and living out of a suitcase, and to cover costs that insurance doesn't cover. It's a great feeling to see all the support given by friends, family, and complete strangers when going through something like this. It's not always easy to ask for help, but GiveForward helps make that a little bit easier. GiveForward is a legitimate fundraising site and your donations are tax deductible. Remember when your reading about these different people and what their going through that even the smallest donation, $5, makes a difference.

So, to launch off GiveForward Thursday, I will be telling you a little about Niemann Pick Disease Type C (NPC) NPC is a rare and extremely variable pediatric neurological disorder causing progressive deterioration of the nervous systom. There are only about 500 people diagnosed with this disease worldwide. NPC interferes with a childs ability to metabolize cholesterol within the cell. When large amounts of cholesterol accumulate within the liver, spleen, and brain it leads to a series of neurological problems that are utimately fatal.

There are no treatments for NPC, but there are supportive therapies. Therapies include medication to control seizures, abnormal posturing of limbs and tremors. Physical, occupational, and speech therapy are also used.

A low cholesterol diet and cholesterol lowering medications do not seem to influence the course of the disease and the life expectancy of a child with NPC is less than 20 years of age.

Symptoms include:
Enlarged liver or spleen
liver failure without neurological symptoms
difficulties with speech
development of dementia
jaundice at birth
early development of neurological problems
low muscle tone
delayed motor development before age 2
sudden loss of muscle strength
and progessive liver failure beginning in infancy

Have I got your attention? Because now I'm going to introduce you to Kamryn.

Kamryn Jolie Brumbeloe was born on July 21, 2011. At Kamryn’s two month doctor visit, she was diagnosed with an enlarged spleen and liver. She was sent to the Children’s Hospital Emergency Room that day. On November 29th, she was given the horrific diagnosis of Niemann Pick Type C Disease.
Recently, Kamryn has been accepted as a patient for Dr. Mark Patterson at the Mayo Clinic. He is very experienced with NPC. Unfortunently, Kamryn's insurance is not accepted by the Mayo Clinic, which is going to make the out of pocket cost phenomenal.

The fundraisers goal is $20,000 and only a mere 6% of that goal has been met. This fundraiser goes on until February 14, 2012, but wouldn't it be a wonderful Christmas present to Kamryn if we could help make a dent in that goal? Even a $5 dollar donation can help this precious baby girl get the help she needs to keep living.

Want to know more about how Kamryn is doing? Her mom started a blog called The Brumbeloe Family where you can read more specifically about Kamryn's battle with NPC."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Long time, No blog.

It seems that things have been a little hectic lately. With the holidays and everything else I just haven't had the chance to blog.
But in all the time since my last blog not a lot has happened wedding wise. But one major thing has happened and that is Josh has finally found out where he will be stationed come July. We will be living in Virginia Beach, VA. I am excited and nervous. It is going to be a big change for me but from visiting Josh I know my way around down there. Also it's only about 9 hours from my family so that will be nice.
The wedding is coming up quickly. We are just over 5 months away and I couldn't be more excited! There is still a lot to be done (mainly paying things off) but for the most part we're done. Also yesterday I was able to go pick up my wedding dress and I am soooo happy! I love it so much! Now I just need to find shoes so I can get the alterations done. I've decided I want fun shoes, nobody is going to really see my shoes so why not.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


I just had to share this video with everyone! This is my cousin's daughter, a little miracle. This video has nothing to do with organ donation, but she is alive thanks to an organ donation and I hope everybody at least considers it! But now onto the video, this is super cute. It is quiet in the beginning, but don't turn your speaker up too loud or you'll be blown out of your seat!


Monday, October 31, 2011

Best. Fiance. EVER.

I am sure every girl thinks this about her fiance and I am definitely no exception! I have always felt amazingly lucky to have Josh in my life, but this weekend just proved how great he is.

Yesterday was my 21st birthday and I have been looking forward to it for a while (which I'm sure most people do). When Josh asked the question, "What do you want for your birthday?" back in September I could only think of one thing, to see him! I told him that the only thing I really wanted was for him to be able to take a few days and come see me. Unfortunately, he told me that he had duty on my birthday. There was still a little hope that maybe he could take a few leave days, that was until I had my little emotional breakdown earlier this month. After he took leave earlier this month to come and see me I definitely did not think he would come this weekend...little did I know.

I had come to terms with not being able to see Josh and had made plans with some friends and my parents. I was sad I couldn't see him but had come to terms with it and was going to make the best out of my birthday. However, my dad had been trying to convince me to wait until next weekend (instead of Saturday night) to go out saying, "You'll officially be 21 and won't have any problem getting in anywhere." But I stuck to my guns and made plans anyways.

Friday when I got home from work though, I got a huge birthday surprise...Josh was here!!!!!! I was so incredibly happy and definitely speechless. He parked his car down the street and hid under blankets on the couch. I was oblivious to him being there at first but once I saw him I screamed. I have to say my birthday weekend was definitely amazing and I had a great time!

Saturday we were able to hang out with some of my friends and then Sunday we went to the Rocky Horror show with my parents! It was a blast. I got pulled up on stage and the guy that played Frank N Furter sang "livin la vida birthday" to me while basically giving me lap dance. It was hilarious! Here are some pictures:

Josh and I <3
 Frank N Furter singing to me!

And just in case you're dad took video of me getting surprised! Here it is:


Thursday, October 27, 2011


I can't believe it is Thursday already. I feel like this week, and this month, has flown by so fast. Josh applied for orders earlier this month and we should know the outcome in November. I am excited and nervous all rolled into one. The possibility of living on the other side of the country is a little overwhelming. There is part of me that's scared to be that far away from family but then there is the other part of me that knows if he gets stationed in Washington it will be a great experience. I don't know though. I guess we will see.

On a completely different note, I am linking up once again with Goodnight Moon. I have lately been listening to a lot of Adele. I love her voice. Every time I get in the car I listen to this song, Set Fire to the Rain at least once.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Ok seriously...who pulls a muscle in their back while brushing their teeth?? Yup, THIS GIRL! It feels better then it did this morning, but oh boy I definitely hope it gets wayyy better.

And finally for the first time ever I am linking up with Goodnight Moon and sharing my favorite song this week. This song is not only my favorite this week but one of my all time favorites. In fact it is going to be played at our wedding :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Addicted to...

In the process of getting more involved in blogging and following more people I have discovered this website. I LOVE IT. Of course to a lot of people this website is nothing new and has probably been a staple to their internet browsing for a while. But for me it is new and amazing. There is so much stuff on it and it is so diverse. 

I am patiently waiting for my invitation to officially be a member of the website, but I'm excited. There is so much inspirational stuff! 


Thursday, October 13, 2011

On a completely random note...

"Are you going to school?". I get asked this question a lot. And the answer that I give to everyone is, "not right now. I'm planning a wedding and thinking about what I want to do. I'm hoping after the wedding I'll have a better grasp on what I want to do career wise." But my thinking for that answer is, "Yeah, right." To be honest I don't have the slightest clue what I want to do. I have changed my mind approximately 5 times, if not more, since graduating high school. I have had different choices and some choices I keep going back to. Yes, I know I am only 20 years old so I still have some time. But my thinking is, what if I never decide?
There are two things in life that I'm certain I want to be, a wife and some day down the road a mother. But as for making money who knows? I know that after we're married I am going to get a job. I like staying busy and I also like having my own source of income. I don't like relying on other people. That has always been difficult for me. If I don't have to ask you for anything, chances are I'm not going to.
The one thing I have been contemplating lately is owning my own business. I don't really know why this thought is so appealing to me. Maybe because I like interacting with people and setting my own pace. However, I don't see it happening anytime soon, or ever for that matter. Especially being married to a Military man. Moving constantly would not be conducive to owning my own busy (such as maybe a self-serve Yogurt Shop. Don't ask me why I want to own one of those. I just think it would be cool.). My mom has said I could start my own business online, so that way it would be able to travel with me wherever we went. This would be a fantastic idea, however, I have no clue what kind of business I would start online. I am certainly not a crafty person, so I am thinking making stuff would be out of the question. But there is one thing my mom has mentioned. In the process of planning the wedding I have had a hard time finding a lot of stuff I need. So the only online business idea I could even think of would be something wedding related. Maybe selling things I had a hard time finding. 
But right now I'm not sure. I guess the only thing I can truly say is we will see what the future holds.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


This past weekend was fantastic. I was so happy that Josh was able to come up, even if it was only for 2 days. I love when I get to see him. It puts me in such a better mood. We were able to go to a couple stores and do our wedding registry. It was a little overwhelming at first but a lot of fun. We did get a little carried away, but hey why not? There is so much stuff that you don't think about, especially since we're not living together yet. Josh and I kept fighting over who got to control the scanner. I'm glad we got that out of the way. It's another thing I can check off my list.
Since Josh was able to come up this weekend I made myself a promise. I promised myself that after he left this weekend I would try and control my emotions/stress better. I, unfortunately, let myself get to a point where everything was overwhelming. I let little things get to me that should have just rolled off my back and I ended up spazzing out by the end of everyday. I know that I cannot do this anymore. Of course, not seeing Josh is still going to be extremely hard. But I know for my sanity (and his) I need to do this. I need to do better. I need to stop and breathe and just relax. Things will get better. Yes, it does suck that we're not together right now. But in the long run it is all worth it and we will be together.
We have been together 2 years and although I have been through 2 deployments, I consider myself very lucky. I am lucky because Josh will be on shore duty the first 2-3 years of our marriage. I don't have to worry about another deployment for a while and that makes me so happy. I will be use to living on our own before he gets another deployment when and if he re-enlists after this enlistment.
I know that moving away from my family is going to be hard. I am not even going to pretend that I will make an easy transition. But I know Josh will be there to support me and help me through. I guess this is why a large part of me hopes he will get stationed here on the east coast. So we will be closer to our families. But that is not guarantee and I'm not holding my breath. Whatever is meant to happen will happen. I am excited though, for what our life together will bring.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Close to A Standstill

Well I really shouldn't stay standstill. The day is drawing closer, slowly but surely, when I will no longer be Jillian Holdridge (I mean seriously we're just over 7 months away!!!!). But as for planning, or doing anything else big for the wedding, there really hasn't been much. It seems that most everything is done, all that's left is little details here and there. And seriously who would have known that I would have such a hard time deciding on my shoes of all things. Hopefully soon we'll be doing test runs of the favors to make sure what we have planned is going to work right. I am so excited for the favors but I know it's probably not going to be easy, considering we're making them all. I also put a down payment on the wedding cake. When I went in we talked shape and design to make sure we were on the same page. I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like. I've seen their work before (a similar cake included) and I think it's going to be beautiful. We still have yet to fully commit to a Unity Candle. I have such a specific idea in mind for it that I really can't just go to Hobby Lobby or Michaels to buy it. I've been looking on this website Etsy and have, unfortunately, find a couple different ones that both Josh and I like. Making the decision even harder because now we have to choose between them. I feel like it's the little stuff that has been kicking my butt, trying to decide for sure on certain things. I want to be sure of my decision so come wedding day I won't say, "Oh, I wish I would have gone with that instead.". But let's be honest, I don't think I'm going to do that. I know, like so many people have told me, that come the wedding day, nothing else will matter. And I feel this is most certainly true. I think one thing I am truly thankful for though is hiring a decorator. It saves me and my family and friends the stress of having to rush in Saturday morning to decorate and it also saves me the stress of having to buy every little thing and make sure it gets set up properly.
The biggest non-wedding thing happening in the next four months is that Josh will be finding out where he will be stationed come July. For me it is scary and exciting all in one. I have never lived away from my family and just knowing that we could end up on the other side of the country is a very scary feeling. But at the same time I am very excited to start my life with Josh and to be on my own.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Oh days like these

In the process of planning this wedding I've had a lot of ups and downs. Moments where I just want to be married, that the wedding itself doesn't even matter, and moments when I can't wait for all my family and friends to be surrounding us on that day. I cannot wait to marry Josh. It sounds mushy and cliche but I never thought I would find someone I would love this much and who would love me regardless. He loves me and my family and supports me in whatever I choose to do. He is my soul mate (yes, another cliche) and I cannot wait to call him my husband.

But lately I've been struggling with being uncontrollably frustrated. I say uncontrollably because I am getting frustrated at things that I don't want to be frustrated with. I'm trying to learn that I can't please everybody, but I still want to. I want everybody to be happy even if that means I sacrifice my own happiness. There is so much going on within the next 8 months that it seems crazy to think that one of those things is my wedding. I am excited and thrilled but yet I have a constant fear that no one will come. I know people will but with being in a completely different state then many of our guests and with the major life changes going on with everyone I fear that our wedding will take the back burner. 

I miss Josh, more then words can describe. I tell him all the time and I worry sometimes that I say it too much. But can you ever really tell someone that you miss them too much? I don't know. There are days where I just want a hug from him so bad. But right now I can't have one and I will just have to wait. At least I am able to talk to him and hear his voice whenever I want (for the most part). It's hard to not really know when I'm going to for sure see him next, but hopefully it's soon. At least he's in the same country right?

Ultimately though Josh and I will be married which is the most important thing. Whether people show up or not, I can't wait to be Mrs. Johnson.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

9 months to go.

Tomorrow is August 19th. That means exactly 9 months until I marry my true love and I couldn't be happier. Well that's not true, I could definitely be a little happier today. I have been spoiled the last couple weeks. I've got to spend them all with Josh and that was amazing. But he left to go back to Virginia today and I couldn't go with him. I know it's better this goodbye because unlike the last big goodbye he won't be gone for 6 months and I'll know exactly where he is. But just because of that does not mean it's any easier. I still miss him very much and it still causes me to be emotional.

But on a bright note, while Josh was here we got A LOT accomplished for the wedding! So much that I'm not even sure where to begin. I guess it would just be best to go in chronological order, so I'll start at the beginning. 
The first thing we did while he was here was go cake tasting and man was it good. I found the place a couple months ago. Well actually I found the place in January right after Josh left while starting my wedding research. I was so excited to finally be able to go there and try their different flavors of cake. I'd gone into the bakery before and tried some of their desserts so I knew their cakes would definitely (hopefully) be good! Josh and I decided on 4 different flavors for the cake and we also decided on (well I told Josh what I wanted and he agreed) the look of the cake. 
The second thing we did was go to Mens Wearhouse and finalize the tuxes we wanted. Small detail but a detail that needed to be taken care of none the less. I think all the guys are going to look very handsome and I can't wait.
We also went to Jared's and picked out our wedding bands. I love them both and cannot wait until I am able to wear mine. Josh didn't want to take his off but I forced him too. In 9 months we can wear them for good :).
We were also able to get our Engagement pictures taken while he was here. They all turned out very good and I can't wait to share them with everyone! If the engagement pictures are any indication of what the wedding pictures are going to look like I absolutely cannot wait! 
Last but not least we met with the decorator to finalize our plan. I am so excited with everything that she has come up with. She has definitely done a better job then I would have ever done. She incorporated everything that we talked about plus threw in a couple ideas of her own that I can't wait to see. 
Well I am sure there is a lot more that I can't quite remember. I am tired and slightly emotional, but luckily not as much as I was. I think what I am going to do now is crawl into bed and catch up on some Pretty Little Liars. I still have a lot to do, not just with the wedding but with my life in general. I'm hoping that things continue to go smoothly. Goodnight all :)

Oh and heres a little peek of our pictures :)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

It's been a while.

I am currently sitting in the Philadelphia airport waiting for my connecting flight to start boarding (I still have about 45 minutes) and realized I haven't updated in a while. A lot seems to have happened since I last updated, but at the same time none of it has really been on the wedding front.

This was probably one of the greatest moments in my life! Six months of separation and I finally got to wrap my arms around him. I didn't want to let go! I missed him so much and I'm so happy to have him home safe! I got to spend 2 full days with him, which was not enough! I am currently on my way back to Virginia Beach so I can spend even more time with him.

When he takes leave in about a week we will be doing more wedding stuff, meaning my updates will become more wedding oriented again. I'm so excited about the cake tasting it's ridiculous. 

Well off to catch my flight. Hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

45 Weeks 1 day 15 hours and 22 minutes

Just in case you're wondering, that's approximately how long there is until mine and Josh's wedding (give or take a few minutes). 

However, the more important number right now is 5. There are 5 days until I leave for Virginia Beach. And very soon after that I will get to see Josh. The emotions I am feeling are overwhelming. I am happy, excited, overjoyed, nervous and anxious. It has been 6 months since I've seen Josh and it feels like forever. I am so excited that it's been difficult for me to fall asleep. I am surprised that this has started already but it just means it's getting closer. When I talked to Josh yesterday he also shared some wonderful news. He doesn't have duty the whole time I'm down there. This made me so happy. I don't get that many days with him so the days I do get with him I want to spend every possible minute with him!

There isn't much to update on the wedding front. Three of the bridesmaid dress have come in and the one I saw I absolutely love! The color, which I was nervous about, looks so great! It's not to dark and the dress is so beautiful. When Samantha was down here we were able to go to the bridal store so I could show her my dress and see the two dresses next to each other. They look so good together. They are just similar enough that they don't look out of place.

I will meet with the decorator again after I get back from Virginia. I'm very excited to see what she's come up with.

Well that's all for now. I am excited because my next blog should be after I see my fiance :D

Monday, June 20, 2011


<3 I know I'm still young
But, I know how I feel
I might not have too much experience
But, I know when love is real.<3

 It's so close I can feel it. It can't get here quick enough, but the few days I have with him will go by so quickly I won't know what hit me. I can't believe it's already been almost 6 months. Looking back over the months since January it seems to have gone by relatively quickly. In the moment though those months dragged on and I thought they would never end. This deployment was harder then the first. There were longer periods of not hearing from him and more dangerous locations. They were all over the news and I watched with the rest of the country. But it's close now, I will get to see him and hold him and kiss him. I will be so incredibly happy that even him having duty the day they pull back in will not ruin it =).

 As the number of days there are until Josh comes home grows smaller, so does the number of months until our wedding. There is less then 11 months now and it still feels surreal. Maybe it's because Josh hasn't been here to give his opinion on things or for me to be able to take him places and show him, that I feel like I'm a little girl planning my dream wedding when I grow up. However, the deposits that I have put down on things definitely lets me know that it is real :)

Saturday I met with a decorator. The meeting could not have gone better. The lady was so incredibly nice and got exactly what I was trying to portray. She gave me opinions and feedback about how things would look and work, but she didn't try to push me into what she thought was best. She actually liked my ideas.  It was pretty cool because she brought her husband with her and while we discussed the decorations, he took measurements and drew a really accurate scale drawing on graph paper. She's going to draw up a layout and write a list of supplies that we'll need and get back to us. I'm so incredibly excited and I can't wait! I hope it turns out as beautiful as I imagine it. The theme is "A Spring Evening". There's going to be tealight lanterns and paper lanterns and I even want a rod iron bird cage to hold the cards.

As for the wedding party, all the bridesmaid dresses have officially been ordered. It is such a relief  knowing that they won't get discontinued before one of the girls have a chance to order them. The next big thing is getting all the guys measured for their tuxes and getting the groomswoman a dress, even if it's not the same one the girls are wearing. Last but not least is finding the dresses for the flower girls. It will be a little while before they go try those on but it's still very exciting!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dresses - Check

In case you're wondering that is not a basketball flying through a hoop. That is the sound of the worry and stress of bridesmaid dresses being lifted off my shoulders, finally (only because I don't know what other sound it might make).

It only took a few trips to David's Bridal, the first dress I chose to get discontinued and much frustration with myself trying to figure out what in the world I wanted. But I have finally decided, THANK THE LORD.

My number of bridesmaids are now up to a fantastic five (not to be confused with the fantastic four, they don't have super powers...that I know of). It's pretty cool because my five bridesmaids are all of my girl cousins that are related by blood. I'm very excited and I can't wait for us all to be together. It seems fitting for them all to be bridesmaid because they are honestly the people I'm the closest with.

Saturday I meet with a decorator. I am hoping that 1.) I'll be able to afford her and 2.) That she doesn't try to hijack my ideas and twist them. I guess we will have to wait and see though. So for now I will just gather all my ideas and keep them together to show her.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Progression is the best

Today I paid the deposit to reserve the florist. I ended up choosing Connell's Maple Lee in Grove City and I am very excited. I actually met with the lady there a while back but just hadn't gotten around to going in and reserving it. The lady was so nice and had great ideas, not just because her name also happens to be Jill :). She was the second florist we had met with and definitely the best. The first lady was very full of herself and kept trying to push me the direction she thought I should go. For the most part I know what I want to do and the fact that she wouldn't listen to me just rubbed me wrong. So then we went and met with Jill, who was also less expensive then the other lady (who claimed she'd be the least expensive in town).

The picture above is what I envision for the bridesmaid bouquets. I haven't decided on what colors they're going to be yet, but I'm thinking each girl will have a different color. My bouquet is also going to be Gerber Daisies but it will also have Tulips incorporated and some greenery to add shape. I am very excited about the flowers I think they're going to look fantastic.

This picture is generally what the boutonnieres are going to look like. I'm thinking that the color of the boutonniere on the groomsmen will match whatever color the bridesmaid has he'll be walking with. It should look really good :).

Also, today we went to Springfield and had dinner at Rudy's Smokehouse which is who is catering. I definitely remembered why we chose them, they are delicious. I made a payment on that and was happy to know that the total amount owed is slowly getting smaller. I am so excited to take Josh there, I think he's going to like it. Of course he said that we could have pizza at the reception and he'd be happy, but that is sooooo not going to happen.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Less then a year!!

By now pretty much everybody knows that Josh and I are engaged. He proposed New Years eve and it was amazing :). He is my soul mate and I can't wait to spend my life with him. We're getting married May 19, 2012 and it's hard to believe that there is less then a year to go. What's even harder to believe is how much I've decided without him being here.
Josh was deployed about 2 weeks after we got engaged and I have to say planning this wedding with him gone has not been easy. In the beginning I doubted every single decision I made (not my dress though, that I found two weeks after we got engaged and was sure about). When I found the hall, I doubted it. When I found decorations I liked, I doubted them. I didn't want to make a decision and have it be the "wrong" one. But Josh has been great. He has been very supportive and has told me that no matter what, I won't make the wrong decision. And besides he'll be home in plenty of time before the wedding that if we need to adjust something we have time. Plus my parents have been great and have been helping me through my many meltdowns :).
I have some of the major decisions down. I've booked the church, the hall, the DJ (my wonderful cousin), the photographer (thanks Steve) and the caterer (OH MY am I excited to eat that food!!). I've picked the bridesmaid dresses and then picked them again when they got discontinued. We have the general theme, spring.
Now everything that's left to do is a bunch of little stuff. I'm hoping it all comes together and that the wedding as beautiful as I picture it. But even if everything falls apart I know there is one important thing, in the end Josh and I will be married <3